Blackened Salmon

Blackened Salmon

About Recipe By: Jessica K. Black, N.D. Make this for: Dinner Category: Seafood This Recipe Makes: 3 Serving(s) Summary Blackened salmon is always a hit. Vary the level of spice depending on who will be joining you for dinner. What you’ll need 2 med fillets wild...
Weight Loss Surgery Leads to Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Weight Loss Surgery Leads to Type 2 Diabetes Remission

One of the ongoing debates in type 2 diabetes treatment, specifically in obese and morbidly obese patients, is weighing lifestyle intervention versus bariatric surgery. Past smaller studies have shown the excellent short-term benefits of bariatric surgery on obese and...
How You Can Control Blood Sugar

How You Can Control Blood Sugar

People are told when they are diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes that they need to control blood sugar or blood glucose values. Actually, everyone with diabetes needs to control their blood glucose. This article will focus on 8 important measures to help you do...

fasting blood glucose test

a check of a person`s blood glucose level after the person has not eaten for 8 to 12 hours (usually overnight). This test is used to diagnose pre-diabetes and diabetes. It is also used to monitor people with diabetes.