urine testing

also called urinalysis; a test of a urine sample to diagnose diseases of the urinary system and other body systems. In people with diabetes, a doctor may check for: Glucose, a sign of diabetes or other diseases; Protein, a sign of kidney damage, or nephropathy; White...
Mental illness 101

Mental illness 101

We’ve all got it. Some deny it; others broadcast it. Some inflict self shame when acknowledging it; others limit themselves because of it.Yet those who embrace it can then get to a place where healthy coping and effective treatment may occur. What am I referring to?...
How Low-Impact Exercise Can Lead to a Healthier You

How Low-Impact Exercise Can Lead to a Healthier You

  Low-impact exercise offers several of the same benefits of high-intensity workouts, only without the stress and physical demands of higher intensity workouts. Starting an exercise program can be daunting, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve followed a...

How is diabetes diagnosed?

Diabetes is diagnosed when a blood glucose test measures more than 126 mg/dl (fasting) or 200 mg/dl (two hours after consuming a glucose drink) or a random blood glucose over 200 with diabetic symptoms. The test should be repeated to confirm results. Some doctors may...