Whole Grains Can Improve Insulin Resistance in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Paying Attention to your Glycemic Index Can Help.

Whole Grains Can Improve Insulin Resistance in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Paying Attention to your Glycemic Index Can Help. The glycemic index is important because it helps adults with type 2 diabetes (and adults with pre-diabetes or adults without diabetes) monitor their carbohydrate consumption — so choosing “good” carbs is important. Adults with type 2 diabetes routinely monitor metrics that are implicated in diabetes management and monitoring. The most common and most...

Medicine May Not Be Enough.

Medicine May Not Be Enough.   When managing your type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes are key.   With the surging popularity of weight loss mediations such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro, to name a few, adults with obesity and diabetes are feeling optimistic about weight loss. To be sure, these medications have helped thousands of adults with obesity and diabetes, but they...

Stress Management is an Important Component of a Weight Loss Strategy

Stress Management is an Important Component of a Weight Loss Strategy While stress is a normal part of life, experiencing prolonged periods of stress is not healthy. It’s likely you don’t get through a single day without experiencing stress or talking to a friend, family member, or co-worker who is telling you how stressed out they are feeling. Stress is a not abnormal; it is a natural reaction to change or stressors, e.g.,...

How Low-Impact Exercise Can Lead to a Healthier You

How Low-Impact Exercise Can Lead to a Healthier You   Low-impact exercise offers several of the same benefits of high-intensity workouts, only without the stress and physical demands of higher intensity workouts. Starting an exercise program can be daunting, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve followed a regular exercise program. One way to re-introduce physical activity and exercise into your...