acanthosis nigricans

(uh-kan-THO-sis NIH-grih-kans): a skin condition characterized by darkened skin patches; common in people whose body is not responding correctly to the insulin Read more»

ACE inhibitor

ACE inhibitors are medications that treat hypertension (High blood pressure) by relaxing the blood vessels. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prevent an enzyme Read more»


acesulfame (a-see-SUL-fame) potassium (puh-TAS-ee-um): a dietary sweetener with no calories and no nutritional value. Also known as acesulfame-K. (Brand name: Sunett.)   Read more»

acesulfame potassium

(a-see-SUL-fame puh-TAS-ee-um) a dietary sweetener with no calories and no nutritional value. Also known as acesulfame-K. (Brand name: Sunett.)


describes something that happens suddenly and for a short time. Opposite of chronic .

adhesive capsulitis

(cap-soo-LITE-is): a condition of the shoulder associated with diabetes that results in pain and loss of the ability to move the shoulder Read more»


(A-G-EEZ): stands for advanced glycosylation (gly-KOH-sih-LAY-shun) endproducts. AGEs are produced in the body when glucose links with protein . They play a role in Read more»