How does Carbohydrate Restriction affect Blood Sugar Levels?
by | Mar 21, 2023 | Health, Newly Diagnosed, Nutrition
Restricting carbohydrates can help patients with diabetes manage glycemic control. As a chronic and progressive disease that can lead to adverse health outcomes, patients with diabetes must monitor biological markers such as blood glucose levels as well food intake. Glycemic control, understood as a HbA1c < 7 percent, is considered the foundation for...
What are the Effects of Gestational Weight Gain for Women with Obesity?
by | Mar 14, 2023 | Health, Blogs, Gestational Diabetes
Managing gestational weight gain in women with can improve pregnancy outcomes. Among women of reproductive age, it is estimated that 20 percent of them are women with obesity1. Women with obesity experience increased risks of complications during pregnancy that include gestational diabetes, gestational weight gain, pre-term birth, and higher rates of a...
What is the Impact of a Western Diet?
by | Mar 7, 2023 | Health, Food, Nutrition
Western diets are inextricably linked to obesity, which continues to rise and is expected to affect a staggering 50 percent of Americans by 2025. There’s nothing like mom’s Sunday dinner to fill a heart and belly. But whether it’s a favorite family recipes or pizza delivery when you don’t feel like cooking, chances are we will overindulge. Our western...
What is the Role of Diet in Mitigating a Complication of Diabetes that Affects the Eyes?
by | Feb 27, 2023 | Weight Management
— Dawn M. Sweet, Ph.D. Diet may be a contributing factor to reducing the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy, a microvascular complication that affects retinal capillaries, affects one third of patients with diabetes, and if left untreated, it could result in partial vision loss or complete blindness.1 Diabetic retinopathy can...
What’s the Latest in Diabetes Research?
by | Feb 7, 2023 | Health, Advocacy, Blogs
Roughly 90% of people who have obesity or are overweight have type 2 diabetes. One in three adults have diabetes — and since roughly 90 percent of people with obesity or who are overweight have type 2 diabetes, increased awareness of the risk of this epidemic-level disease is critically important. The link between diabetes and obesity is well-established,...