Teaching Fat Cells to Burn Calories

Teaching Fat Cells to Burn Calories

Participants entered the study taking an average of three medications each for diabetes. In all of the gastric bypass patients who achieved the target level, the normal blood sugar was attained without use of any diabetic medications. Seventy-two percent of sleeve...


a substance found in foods that comes from plants. Fiber helps in the digestive process and is thought to lower and help control blood glucose (sugar). The two types of fiber in food are soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber, found in beans, fruits, and oat products,...
Teaching Fat Cells to Burn Calories

Diabetics Urged to Steer Clear of High Fat Diet

"This trial demonstrates that bariatric surgery can eliminate the need for diabetes medications in many obese patients whose diabetes is poorly controlled," Schauer said. "Furthermore, the surgical patients showed major improvements in other measures of...
Risk Factors

Risk Factors

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors for Developing Type 2 Diabetes There are several risk factors to developing Type 2 Diabetes, some of which you can control and others that are hereditary or unable to be changed. Although you cannot change your heredity,...