Long Commutes May Be Harmful to Your Health

Long Commutes May Be Harmful to Your Health

Losing weight can lower inflammation throughout the body which decreases the risk of developing many cancers, shows a new Albert Einstein College of Medicine study. In the study, nearly 400 overweight and obese postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to either a...

UQ Scientists Target Mango Skin for Fat Reduction

It may be possible to re-engineer fat cells to burn calories, suggests new University of California, San Francisco research. A protein called PRDM16, which is found in both humans and mice, appears to make fat cells burn metabolically active. Although most diet drugs...
Long Commutes May Be Harmful to Your Health

Exercise Alters Epigenetics

Exercise can change gene expression and may help to stave off the onset of diabetes, shows new research. Metabolic genes involved in glucose transport and mitochondrial regulation are lower in people with diabetes, which may be responsible for insulin resistance....
Vaccine for Type 1 Advances

Vaccine for Type 1 Advances

An existing vaccination drug, Calmette-Guerin (BCG), has now been approved by the FDA for the start of phase II of a trial to determine the vaccine’s effectiveness in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The announcement was made last week at the 75th Scientific Sessions...
Blueberry Breakfast Salad

Blueberry Breakfast Salad

About Recipe By: Clara Schneider, MS, RD, RN, CDE, LDN Make this for: Breakfast Category: Salads This Recipe Makes: 8 Serving(s) What you’ll need 1 bag(s) mixed, torn salad greens: 2 pounds (for analysis used romaine lettuce)4 cup fresh blueberries (for...