Getting Started with Medicines

Getting Started with Medicines

While it is true that some people who are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes do not need to take medicine, there are many that do. So, it is important to understand a few things including the following: 1.) while your healthcare professional started you on a...

How to Use Visualization for Weight Loss

Successful meal planning to control blood sugar includes considering both the glycemic index and amount of carbohydrates in each meal. People with diabetes try to match their pre-meal insulin dose to the number of carbohydrates in a meal to manage their blood sugar....
BP Overtreatment for Diabetics May Be as Common as Undertreatment at VA

Ancient Berry Could Fight Diabetic Blindness

People eat more when presented with a variety of foods, according to Cornell University research. In the study, 20 college students were allowed to eat their fill from a buffet that consisted of either three items (chicken, a vegetable, and a carbohydrate like rice),...
BP Overtreatment for Diabetics May Be as Common as Undertreatment at VA

Weight Loss Reduces Artery Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetes

Man-made chemicals, such as PCBs, phthalates, and Bisphenol A (BPA), may be contributing to climbing obesity and diabetes rates worldwide, according to a meta analysis of 240 studies. Because many of the chemicals are considered endocrine disrupters they may influence...