Brain Mechanisms Link Foods to Rising Obesity Rates

Brain Mechanisms Link Foods to Rising Obesity Rates

High-fat foods can alter the way the brain regulates body weight, according to University of Cincinnati diabetes researchers. "While we don’t usually think of it this way, body weight is regulated,” says study co-author Randy Seeley. “How much...
Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie

Ingredients: One large package of sugar free vanilla pudding 2-1/2 cups of skim milk 1 tub of Crystal Light lemonade One large container of fat-free Cool Whip Two reduced-fat graham cracker crusts Directions: Make sugar free pudding with 2-1/2 cups milk. Add sugar...
Sugar-Free Fudge Brownies

Sugar-Free Fudge Brownies

About Make this for: Snack Category: Desserts This Recipe Makes: 16 Serving(s) What you’ll need 6 tbsp. maragrine4 oz unsweetened chocolate1/3 cup skim milk1/3 cup apricot preserves with artificial sweetener OR apricot spreadable fruit1 med egg yolk1 tsp....
Getting Started with Meal Planning

Getting Started with Meal Planning

The number one question I get from every newly diagnosed type 2 patient is, “what can I eat”?  They even admit to me that before they saw me, they were really nervous about what they could and could not consume that they started eliminating just about everything,...