
a spring-loaded device used to prick the skin with a small needle to obtain a drop of blood for blood glucose monitoring.

lente insulin

(LEN-tay): an intermediate-acting insulin. On average, lente insulin starts to lower blood glucose levels within 1 to 2 hours after injection . It Read more»


(LIP-id): a term for fat in the body. Lipids can be broken down by the body and used for energy.

lipid profile

a blood test that measures total cholesterol , triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is then calculated from the results. A lipid profile Read more»


defect in the breaking down or building up of fat below the surface of the skin, resulting in lumps or small dents Read more»


(LIP-oh-DIH-struh-fee): defect in the breaking down or building up of fat below the surface of the skin, resulting in lumps or small Read more»

lispro insulin

(LYZ-proh): a rapid-acting insulin. On average, lispro (Humalog) insulin starts to lower blood glucose within 5 minutes after injection. It has its Read more»


an organ in the body that changes food into energy, removes alcohol and poisons from the blood, and makes bile, a substance Read more»