Rhubarb Chili

Rhubarb Chili

About Recipe By: Clara Schneider, MS, RD, RN, CDE, LDN Make this for: Lunch Category: Soups & Stews This Recipe Makes: 8 Serving(s) Summary According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the leaves of the plant are poisonous, do not eat them. This rhubarb recipe from the...


(KAP-ih-lair-ee): the smallest of the body`s blood vessels. Oxygen and glucose pass through capillary walls and enter the cells. Waste products such as carbon dioxide pass back from the cells into the blood through capillaries
How You Can Control Blood Sugar

How You Can Control Blood Sugar

People are told when they are diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes that they need to control blood sugar or blood glucose values. Actually, everyone with diabetes needs to control their blood glucose. This article will focus on 8 important measures to help you do...
Risk Factors

Risk Factors

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors for Developing Type 2 Diabetes There are several risk factors to developing Type 2 Diabetes, some of which you can control and others that are hereditary or unable to be changed. Although you cannot change your heredity,...