a unit representing the energy provided by food. Carbohydrate , protein , fat , and alcohol provide calories in the diet. Carbohydrate and protein have Read more»
(KAP-ih-lair-ee): the smallest of the body’s blood vessels . Oxygen and glucose pass through capillary walls and enter the cells. Waste products such as carbon Read more»
(kar-boh-HY-drate): one of the three main nutrients in food. Foods that provide carbohydrate are starches , vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and sugars . Read more»
(seh-REE-broh-VASK-yoo-ler): damage to blood vessels in the brain. Vessels can burst and bleed or become clogged with fatty deposits. When blood flow is interrupted, Read more»
a health care professional with expertise in diabetes education who has met eligibility requirements and successfully completed a certification exam. See diabetes educatorRead more»