Getting Started with Exercise

Getting Started with Exercise I know when I say the word “exercise” to patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, many tend to cringe and they want no part of it. But, it is important to know that when starting this significant component of diabetes self-management, ANY movement you do can help you get on track to a healthier life and help your overall diabetes control....

Reinvent Your Diabetes Life

Reinvent Your Diabetes Life Change is difficult. Not changing is fatal. Are you willing to try something new? Are you willing to fail in the process? Diabetes is no different from any other aspect of life when it comes to trying and failing. (In fact, I had a high school teacher who said that trying is failing and we just have to do it.) So reword the first question–are you willing...

Back to School, Back on Track

Back to School, Back on Track Usually we wait for January to make or renew our commitments to improve ourselves in some way, but why wait another four months? Kids are readying themselves now for the upcoming school year, why not join them in the excitement of this new year? We all have childhood memories of getting ready for the new school year: new shoes, clothes, pens, notebooks,...

Has a Big Part of the Puzzle Been Solved for a Type 1 Diabetes Cure?

Has a Big Part of the Puzzle Been Solved for a Type 1 Diabetes Cure? When I was eight years and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I remember being very confused and overwhelmed with nurses coming in and out of my hospital room telling me that they were going to give me some inulin and check my blood sugar levels. The only thing that I really understood was a physician telling me researchers were making great strides in the...

Gut Feeling: Should Probiotics be a Regular Part of our Diets?

Gut Feeling: Should Probiotics be a Regular Part of our Diets? Nutritional supplements are everywhere, and many are purchased and consumed religiously by a great number of people. Are these products so popular because they actually work, or are we merely falling prey to clever marketing, hoping that at least they don’t cause us harm? As one type of supplement that has become a popular health food trend, probiotics...