Weight Loss Surgery Leads to Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Weight Loss Surgery Leads to Type 2 Diabetes Remission

One of the ongoing debates in type 2 diabetes treatment, specifically in obese and morbidly obese patients, is weighing lifestyle intervention versus bariatric surgery. Past smaller studies have shown the excellent short-term benefits of bariatric surgery on obese and...
A Mathematical Challenge to Obesity

A Mathematical Challenge to Obesity

People who are obese and have type 2 diabetes can reduce atherosclerosis by 20 percent by losing just 13 pounds, according to a new Australian study. Heart disease causes 68 percent of deaths among people with diabetes who have a six-fold greater risk of developing...
Losing Weight: The Time is Now

Losing Weight: The Time is Now

If you took a poll asking people with type 2 diabetes what goal(s) they would like to achieve, many would respond that they would like to lose weight. Sadly, countless people struggle with weight loss. And in many parts of the world, it doesn’t help that there...


(noo-TRIH-shuh-nist): a person with training in nutrition; may or may not have specialized training and qualifications. See dietitian.