It may be possible to convert dangerous visceral white fat into fat-burning brown fat
by | Dec 26, 2022
It may be possible to convert dangerous visceral white fat into fat-burning brown fat, according to a new Harvard University study. Scientists blocked an enzyme that helps control cell’s creation and activity called Aldh1a1 in the white fat cells of mice, making the white fat cells behave like fat-burning brown fat cells. “We have discovered a...
Early Study Hints at `Brown Fat` as Potential Diabetes Treatment
by | Dec 26, 2022
Transplants of brown fat tissue reverses diabetes in mice, according to Vanderbilt University research. Brown adipose (fat) burns white fat to help warm the body when exposed to cold. Both brown and white fat secrete adiponectin, leptin, and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), hormones that are important in diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system...
Depression Found to Increase Risk of Death in T2 Diabetes
by | Jun 8, 2012
Caffeine may be able to prevent the memory and learning problems that are caused by poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, shows a new University of Coimbra study. Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes can lead to neurodegenerative diseases similar to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as toxic levels of sugar in the blood damage nerves, blood vessels, and...
UQ Scientists Target Mango Skin for Fat Reduction
by | Jun 8, 2012
It may be possible to re-engineer fat cells to burn calories, suggests new University of California, San Francisco research. A protein called PRDM16, which is found in both humans and mice, appears to make fat cells burn metabolically active. Although most diet drugs are aimed at blocking the absorption of calories, new compounds aimed at activating PRDM16...