BP Overtreatment for Diabetics May Be as Common as Undertreatment at VA

BP Overtreatment for Diabetics May Be as Common as Undertreatment at VA Getting more sleep may help curtail a genetic predisposition towards being overweight, according to a new University of Washington study. Because both body mass index (BMI) and the need for sleep are influenced by genetics, researchers analyzed the height, weight, and sleep patterns of more than 1,000 sets of both identical and fraternal twins. They found...

PCB Can Increase Risk of Abdominal Fat

PCB Can Increase Risk of Abdominal Fat Magnesium helps maintain muscles and nerves, regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, and prevent heart attacks, according to National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies. Magnesium found in seaweed, wheat bran, avocados, spinach, beans, peas, almonds, cashews, and in supplements, also can help calm muscle spasms. Yet, nearly 80 percent of people in the...

Type 2 Diabetes Raises Adenoma Risk in Those 40 to 49 Years of Age

Type 2 Diabetes Raises Adenoma Risk in Those 40 to 49 Years of Age Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new Institute of Metabolic Science study. The study followed more than 3,700 adults for 11 years and found that those who ate the most fruits and vegetables each week had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate the fewest. Those who...

Coffee May Help Drinkers Live Longer, U.S. Study Suggests

Coffee May Help Drinkers Live Longer, U.S. Study Suggests Visualizing making positive changes to eating habits increases the likelihood of success, according to a recent McGill University study. Study participants who set a goal of eating more fruit, wrote down the goal, and visualized themselves taking specific actions toward that goal, ate twice as much fruit as those who only set the goal. Visualization is...