Getting to the Root Causes of Obesity

Getting to the Root Causes of Obesity

Getting to the Root Causes of Obesity Some people who have never struggled with weight issues might think that being overweight or obese reflects a lack of willpower. The rest of us know it’s not that simple.    Certainly overeating and a lack of exercise are...
Lemon Pound Cake with Strawberries

Lemon Pound Cake with Strawberries

Ingredients: 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup low-fat sour cream ½ cup fat free (skim) milk 1/3 cup sugar ¼ cup olive oil ¼ cup egg substitute 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon...
Seared Tuna Over Raw Vegetables

Seared Tuna Over Raw Vegetables

About Recipe By: Jessica K. Black, N.D. Make this for: Dinner Category: Seafood This Recipe Makes: 4 Serving(s) Summary Many fish lovers agree that the best way to enjoy high-quality tuna is served rare. However, if you have a difficult time eating partially raw fish,...


(kar-boh-HY-drate): one of the three main nutrients in food. Foods that provide carbohydrate are starches, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and sugars.