2 cups pumpkin seeds, scooped from a fresh pumpkin
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt (optional)

Rinse, removing all pulp and strings. Spread seeds in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Let air-dry for at least three hours.

Preheat oven to 375-degrees.

Drizzle the oil over the seeds and lightly sprinkle with salt (if using). Toss and again spread out in a single layer. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until lightly browned and toasted. Hull like sunflower seeds to eat.

Recipe makes eight servings.

Nutrition information per serving:
Calories: 217
Total Fat: 19g
Saturated Fat: 3.2g
Carbohydrate: 6g
Cholesterol: 0
Sodium: 6mg
Fiber: 1g
Calories from fat: 75%
Dietary Exchanges: 1 Starch