Weight Loss Reduces Cancer Risk Factor

Weight Loss Reduces Cancer Risk Factor Daily consumption of white rice may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a new Harvard School of Public Health study. Researchers examined four previous studies on white rice consumption and type 2 diabetes that were conducted in China, Japan, the United States, and Australia. Combined, the studies included more than 352,000...

Weight Loss Reduces Artery Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetes

Weight Loss Reduces Artery Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetes Man-made chemicals, such as PCBs, phthalates, and Bisphenol A (BPA), may be contributing to climbing obesity and diabetes rates worldwide, according to a meta analysis of 240 studies. Because many of the chemicals are considered endocrine disrupters they may influence the hormones that regulate appetite, fat storage, and blood sugar. "The role of...

How to Use Visualization for Weight Loss

How to Use Visualization for Weight Loss Successful meal planning to control blood sugar includes considering both the glycemic index and amount of carbohydrates in each meal. People with diabetes try to match their pre-meal insulin dose to the number of carbohydrates in a meal to manage their blood sugar. Knowing the glycemic index of carbohydrates can help more accurately assess the impact on...

Obesity-Linked T2 Diabetes in Children Resists Treatment

Obesity-Linked T2 Diabetes in Children Resists Treatment Read DiabetesCare.net`s November 2011 interview with Dr. Francesco Rubino who is one of the authors of one of today`s New England Journal of Medicine studies that reports patients with type 2 diabetes who undergo bariatric surgery see glucose levels decrease, even before they lose weight: The Elephant in the Room: Is Bariatric Surgery a Cure for Type...

Sleep Lessens the Effect Genes Have on Weight

Sleep Lessens the Effect Genes Have on Weight The study authors reported some complications of surgery, but most were not serious. However, four patients did require a second operation. The study authors caution that the favorable results were observed after a relatively short follow-up period (12 months) and that long-term studies are needed to determine the durability of the findings. The authors...