Getting Started with Meal Planning

Getting Started with Meal Planning The number one question I get from every newly diagnosed type 2 patient is, “what can I eat”?  They even admit to me that before they saw me, they were really nervous about what they could and could not consume that they started eliminating just about everything, making life a little more miserable. We registered dietitians do not want that to happen! The...

Statins: Risk Vs. Reward

Statins: Risk Vs. Reward Late last year, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommended the use of cholesterol-lowering medications (statins) in all patients with diabetes. ADA’s recommendation included moderate-intensity statins for people under age 40 with diabetes. Moderate-intensity statins are also recommended for those between ages 40 and 75 without risk factors for...

Getting Started with Glucose Monitoring

Getting Started with Glucose Monitoring So, you are new to type 2 diabetes? “Congratulations” is certainly not the first thing that pops to mind, BUT it is important to take a deep breath and know that you are not alone. You have come to the right place and the new Succeeding in Your First 30 Days with Type 2 Diabetes guide on the website will help you navigate through the first month of...

Gluten: To Eat or Not to Eat?

Gluten: To Eat or Not to Eat? The healthy necessity of being on a gluten-free diet for those with celiac disease is well established, but for the past several years, being gluten-free has been all the rage and the health benefits are being touted for those without celiac. However, is this type of diet good or needed for people without celiac? First, let’s start with a definition....

Is Stress a Critical Factor in Diabetes?

Is Stress a Critical Factor in Diabetes? I’m so stressed!”  “That situation was so stressful for me!”  We hear exclamations like these on almost a daily basis. It’s hard to understand how a word can be used so frequently, yet not be clearly defined. Is it because stress is not something that we can actually touch and manipulate? Is it too subjective to be scientifically or medically delineated?...