blood glucose monitoring

checking blood glucose level on a regular basis in order to manage diabetes. A blood glucose meter (or blood glucose test strips that change color when touched by a blood sample) is needed for frequent blood glucose monitoring.


(see-peptide): “Connecting peptide,” a substance the pancreas releases into the bloodstream in equal amounts to insulin. A test of C-peptide levels shows how much insulin the body is making.  


(DY-lay-ted) eye exam:   a test done by an eye care specialist in which the pupil (the black center) of the eye is temporarily enlarged with eyedrops to allow the specialist to see the inside of the eye more easily.    


(ee-LEK-troh-my-AH-gruh-fee) (EMG): a test used to detect nerve function. It measures the electrical activity generated by muscles.  

fluorescein angiography

(fluh-RESS-ee-in an-gee-AH-grah-fee): a test to examine blood vessels in the eye; done by injecting dye into an arm vein and then taking photos as the dye goes through the eye`s blood vessels.