Research Offers Insight to How Fructose Causes Obesity and Other Illness

Research Offers Insight to How Fructose Causes Obesity and Other Illness Enzymes produced to metabolize fructose (sugar) may contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses, according to research by an international group of scientists. One form of the enzyme produced to metabolize fructose causes fat to be deposited in the liver, obesity, and insulin resistance. Another form of the enzyme protects against these problems...

Standing Up From Desks Helps Avoid Diabetes

Standing Up From Desks Helps Avoid Diabetes Taking frequent breaks from sitting to stand up and move around can significantly lower the risk of diabetes, according to new Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute research. The researchers found that just two minutes of light exercise lowered glucose and insulin levels by 30 percent. During the study, researchers had people who sit for long periods take...

Risk of New-Onset Diabetes With Niacin Less Than Previously Thought: Study

Risk of New-Onset Diabetes With Niacin Less Than Previously Thought: Study Niacin treatment appears to raise blood glucose and lower insulin resistance temporarily, according to new Duke University research. In a large, randomized, and controlled clinical trial, 942 patients were assigned to either receive ezetimibe/simvastatin alone or with extended release niacin. There were 28 newly diagnosed cases of diabetes during the first...