Study Identifies Possible Protective Blood Factors Against Type 2 Diabetes

Study Identifies Possible Protective Blood Factors Against Type 2 Diabetes Men with type 2 diabetes taking insulin, but with no history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), have a higher risk of suffering a major cardiovascular event than men with a history of CVD, according to Brigham and Women’s Hospital research. The researchers examined records of 64,000 global REACH Registry patients and found that men taking insulin with...

Study Gives the Skinny on Eating Chocolate

Study Gives the Skinny on Eating Chocolate As expected, the patients who received bariatric surgery lost more weight during the 12-month study, averaging 64.7 pounds for patients who received gastric bypass, 55.2 pounds for patients who had stomach reduction surgery, and 11.9 pounds for patients treated with medications.

Study: Complicated Link Between Diet Drinks, Health

Study: Complicated Link Between Diet Drinks, Health Effectiveness was gauged by the percentage of patients who achieved an average blood sugar within the normal range 12 months after treatment (measured using the hemoglobin A1c – HbA1c – a standard laboratory test that reflects average blood sugar over three months).