Diabetes Blog

Read the latest blogs by our professional diabetes educators and experts on the latest and most important healthcare topics.

Has a Big Part of the Puzzle Been Solved for a Type 1 Diabetes Cure?

Saturday,August 24, 2015

Mary Rechtoris talks about an important discovery in stem cell research and provides some personal thoughts on what this breakthrough means to her.

Back to School, Back on Track

Saturday,August 26, 2015

With school starting again, kids need to adjust their routines accordingly, and certified diabetes educator Debbie Berg says this is a good time for people with diabetes who have relaxed this summer to get back on track with their self-management.

Reinvent Your Diabetes Life

Saturday,August 27, 2015

Certified diabetes educator Jane Dickinson challenges you to take a look at your life and make a positive change that can start you down a different, more satisfied path.

How a Balloon Can Aid Weight Loss

Saturday,September 9, 2015

The FDA recently approved the ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon System, which is a medical device used to aid in weight loss. Certified diabetes educator Viola Holmes talks about how the device works and who are candidates for it.

De-Liver Us From Evil: Help Your Liver To Help You

Saturday,September 18, 2015

The liver plays a vital role in numerous functions. Douglas Garner explains the role of the organ in diabetes and offers some ways to protect it.

How Economic Pressures Affect Physical Health

Saturday,September 23, 2015

Having health insurance doesn’t guarantee good health, especially for those affected by chronic diseases. Economic instability, racial inequalities in health care treatment, and cost shifting by insurance companies, conspire to affect chronic disease outcomes negatively for many.