Diabetes Blog
Read the latest blogs by our professional diabetes educators and experts on the latest and most important healthcare topics.
Diabetes is Small
Thursday,September 11, 2014DiabetesCare.net
Jane Dickinson talks about the enormity of this date for America, and how it serves as a reminder about our daily struggles versus weighing the bigger picture.
Manage your Glucose, Raise your Libido
Thursday,October 1, 2014DiabetesCare.net
When was the last time you were intimate with your partner? Has it been so long that you can’t even remember-let us help you make a change.
Body Image, Sexuality and the Older Woman
Thursday,October 3, 2014DiabetesCare.net
As women age, distorted body image thoughts as well as other personal challenges arise which can cause issues for couples. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini discusses how women can overcome these issues in order to enjoy their sex lives again.
Hey Baby Boomers, Get the Intimacy Back into your Marriage
Thursday,October 10, 2014DiabetesCare.net
Here are some ways to bring the institution from boring to blissful again.
Food vs. Sex
Thursday,October 16, 2014DiabetesCare.net
For people who are looking for emotional connection, food can be an easier choice. Here are some reasons to go after the latter to get comfort rather than mindlessly eating.
Some Tips for Your Holiday Party
Thursday,December 11, 2014DiabetesCare.net
The inevitable holiday party is a time to relax, enjoy yourself and indulge in some delicious foods. Here are some tips to keep your diabetes in check.