Vaccine for Type 1 Advances

Saturday,January 4, 2023

An existing vaccination drug, Calmette-Guerin (BCG), has been approved to begin a phase II clinical trial to determine the vaccine’s effectiveness in the treatment of type 1 diabetes.

Osteoporosis Drug Could Be Used For Diabetes Treatment

Saturday,January 4, 2023

Osteoporosis Drug Could Be Used For Diabetes Treatment

Fructose Leads to Weight Gain, Physical Inactivity, and Body Fat

Saturday,January 4, 2023

An animal study shows this type of sugar causes metabolic changes that can lead to negative health consequences.

Cranberry Juice Could Decrease Heart Disease and Diabetes Risk

Saturday,January 4, 2023

A new study sheds some light on how this popular drink’s protective compounds can play a preventative role in your diet.

Why Obese Men are More Likely to Get Type 2 Diabetes than Obese Women

Saturday,January 4, 2023

While on average women have more body fat than men, researchers say women’s reactions to a certain protein protect them from type 2 diabetes compared to their gender counterparts.

Drug Treats Type 2 with a Side Effect of Weight Loss

Saturday,January 4, 2023

It is no secret that weight loss can greatly assist in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, a recent study shows that a specific drug, liraglutide, used at a certain dosage can yield weight loss for patients.