Are Negative Social Media Messages Good Predictors of Heart Disease?
by | Jan 4, 2023
Research from the University of Pennsylvania found using the social media outlet, Twitter, can indicate a predictive pattern of heart disease rates at the county-level across the United States. Negative emotions such as anger and stress expressed in tweets—the names of messages using this form of social media—showed a higher association of CHD, and...
Blood Pressure Medicine Lowers Cardio Risk
by | Jan 4, 2023
Cardiovascular issues such as stroke and heart attacks are often linked to type 2 diabetes. However a recent study showed that treatment of lower blood pressure decreases the chances of heart ailments. In a study published in JAMA recently, the risk of heart events and mortality decreases every 10-mm Hg that you lower a patient’s systolic blood...
Link Between Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in Focus
by | Jan 4, 2023
A once unnoticed molecular connection may show why obesity is a precursor to type 2 diabetes, according to a recent study published in the journal Science. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is integral in the balancing of glucose throughout the liver and other organs. However, researchers showed that when that balance is interfered with by nitric oxide, it can...
Half the U.S. Has Diabetes or Prediabetes
by | Jan 4, 2023
In a study published in JAMAÂ this week, an estimated 12 to 14 percent of the United States population has diabetes, and 37 to 38 percent were estimated to have prediabetes in 2011-2012. The study broke down the prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes and included categories of sex and race. There were some significant statistics pulled from their analysis....