Cherry Pie

Sunday,December 26, 2022

This is a one crust cherry pie with tart cherries, vanilla pudding mix and sugar free cherry gelatin sweetened with sugar substitute. Very good and pretty, too. If you enjoy chocolate, don`t miss the bonus recipe for Chocolate Covered Cherry Pie!

Frozen Yogurt Pumpkin Squares

Sunday,December 26, 2022

Boost your vegetable intake by adding them to dessert! Pumpkin is a great source of beta carotene.

Blackberry Cobbler

Sunday,December 26, 2022

If you have used blackberries in desserts you know how good they are. If not, time to try them and this cobbler recipe is a great starter! Sweet and smooth blackberry mixture with a crust on the top.

Powdered Sugar Replacement

Sunday,December 26, 2022

Powdered sugar is most commonly used in frostings. To use powdered sugar to decorate your cakes, brownies, cheesecakes etc., use a stencil or cut waxed paper into 1/4 inch wide strips. Place stencil or strips in a diagonal pattern on top of your cooled dessert. Place confectioner`s sugar in a tea strainer, then tap it lightly to dust your bar surface. Carefully remove the stencil or strips to reveal your pattern.

Apple and Honey Scones

Sunday,December 26, 2022

Ingredients: 2 cups all purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground […]

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