Weight Loss Reduces Cancer Risk Factor

Weight Loss Reduces Cancer Risk Factor

Daily consumption of white rice may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a new Harvard School of Public Health study. Researchers examined four previous studies on white rice consumption and type 2 diabetes that were conducted in China, Japan,...

Opting for Plain Water Might Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Understanding how many calories are in foods, how calories from different sources affect the body, and how many to eat is more complex than reading calorie counts on nutrition labels and menus, according to a new book. In the book, Why Calories Count: From Science to...

Low-Carb Diet Improves Glucose Control in Small Study

People tend to take smaller bites of strong smelling food, according to a recent Wageningen University and Research Centre study. Participants in the study ate custard from a special device that allowed them to control how much they ate, and enabled the researchers to...