Spam Meat Tied to T2 Diabetes Risk in Native Americans: Study

No Single Diabetes Diet Fits All

People diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes need to find a healthy diet that works best for them to lose weight and control their blood sugar. No one diet, whether it is a Mediterranean, low-carb, or low-fat diet is superior at managing diabetes, according to the...

Standing Up From Desks Helps Avoid Diabetes

Taking frequent breaks from sitting to stand up and move around can significantly lower the risk of diabetes, according to new Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute research. The researchers found that just two minutes of light exercise lowered glucose and insulin...

How to Use Visualization for Weight Loss

Successful meal planning to control blood sugar includes considering both the glycemic index and amount of carbohydrates in each meal. People with diabetes try to match their pre-meal insulin dose to the number of carbohydrates in a meal to manage their blood sugar....