Prescription Assistance Programs for Diabetes Medications

Understanding Diabetes Accommodations for Exams

The years leading up to college include taking major exams, which influence students’ college choices. Of course, this can lead to stress and blood glucose fluctuations.Therefore, when preparing for college board exams, families of students with diabetes need to...
Prescription Assistance Programs for Diabetes Medications

Is Stress a Critical Factor in Diabetes?

I’m so stressed!”  “That situation was so stressful for me!”  We hear exclamations like these on almost a daily basis. It’s hard to understand how a word can be used so frequently, yet not be clearly defined. Is it because stress is not something that we can actually...
Prescription Assistance Programs for Diabetes Medications

Are You Getting Enough of the Sunshine Vitamin?

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is the most researched and talked about vitamin of our day. Most people are familiar with its role in building strong bones. However, researchers have uncovered vitamin D’s role in many other areas of health–making...