Fruit, Veggies Tied to Lower T2 Diabetes Risk

Fruit, Veggies Tied to Lower T2 Diabetes Risk Fat cells help to control blood sugar and insulin levels, according to a new Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center study. Previously, the research team used mice studies to show that fat cells use sugar to regulate healthy levels of glucose and insulin. Now they have discovered a gene called carbohydrate-responsive-element-binding protein-beta in fat cells...

Turmeric Extract Can Lower Obesity and Diabetes Risk: Study

Turmeric Extract Can Lower Obesity and Diabetes Risk: Study Last month I wrote about the strong, almost irrepressible urge to overeat carbohydrate-based foods, especially in people with metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes. Once we start nibbling on our special favorite–whether it is freshly baked bread, potato chips, ice cream, chocolate, cookies–it becomes a struggle to stop. Here is a...

Diabetics Urged to Steer Clear of High Fat Diet

Diabetics Urged to Steer Clear of High Fat Diet "This trial demonstrates that bariatric surgery can eliminate the need for diabetes medications in many obese patients whose diabetes is poorly controlled," Schauer said. "Furthermore, the surgical patients showed major improvements in other measures of heart health, including reduced need for high blood pressure and cholesterol medications,...