Diabetes Blog
Read the latest blogs by our professional diabetes educators and experts on the latest and most important healthcare topics.
Jardiance and Heart Disease
Sunday,September 2, 2015DiabetesCare.net
A new study reports that Jardiance reduces the risk of acute cardiovascular episodes including heart attacks and strokes. Certified diabetes educator Sam Grossman looks at the study and provides analysis.
Does a Popular Type 2 Medicine Create a B12 Deficiency?
Sunday,September 15, 2015DiabetesCare.net
Chronic usage of metformin, the first-line type 2 medicine, can cause vitamin B12 deficiencies in many people. Sam Grossman talks about what is in the medical literature about this topic and offers some advice to avoid a deficiency in this essential vitamin.
FDA Approves Two Insulins
Sunday,October 6, 2015DiabetesCare.net
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) surprisingly approved insulin degludec injection (Tresiba) and insulin degludec/insulin aspart injection (Ryzodeg) 70/30. Pharmacist and CDE Sam Grossman discusses some of the clinical trial findings for the medicines and offers some clinical prescribing guidance.
Give Me 10
Sunday,October 17, 2014DiabetesCare.net
Diabetes educator Sandra Melloni talks about the significant health benefits that people with diabetes who are overweight or obese can achieve by losing just 10% of body weight. In addition, she offers some simple strategies on how to do so.
Are You A Food Addict?
Sunday,October 25, 2014DiabetesCare.net
Many people take comfort in food; however, there are some who have a relationship with food and use it as a way to deal with emotional issues. Here are some signs of food addiction and how to begin to get help.
Keys to Successful Weight Loss
Sunday,January 6, 2016DiabetesCare.net
By giving yourself realistic weight loss expectations, and following that up with easy-to-incorporate-lifestyle steps, you can successfully lose weight and realize diabetes-related health benefits as well.